Welcome to 8th Grade Technology/S.T.E.A.M class and Middle School Engineering Technology class.
The 8th grade Technology/STEAM course is designed to challenge our students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers as they complete hands-on, problem-based learning projects. They will explore science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics in this course and have the opportunity to apply their learning to the real world. Additionally, this course provides information and learning opportunities to our students about high school, college and careers. As part of the state requirements, students will complete interest surveys, research careers and higher education opportunities, and work with the school counselor to plan course work for high school that leads to one of the 5 state endorsements.
The 7th & 8th Grade Engineering Techology course is designed to expose students to the field of engineering, application of technology, and robotics. Students will learn about the engineering design process, engineering principals and technology related systems as they design, build and test projects to solve real-world problems. Also, students in this course may be selected to be on the CMS First Tech Challenge robotics team. 8th Grade students will also be provided the required High School, College and Career curriculum and preparation of their high school course plans.
It is my goal to make these courses innovative and to give our children the opportunity to explore the technology that surrounds them and apply what they learned to challenging, but fun, problem based learning projects.